May 19, 2011

Intellectual Property- Ancient Greece

Via Wikipedia:

It is at Sybaris that the concept of intellectual property first appeard in the History... described by Athenaeus of Naucratis... "If any confectioner or cook invented any peculiar and excellent dish, no other artist was allowed to make this for a year ; but he alone who invented it was entitled to all the profit to be derived from the manufacture of it for that time ; in order that others might be induced to labour at excelling in such pursuits."


"A Sybarite sleeping on a bed of rose petals was unable to get to sleep because one of the petals was folded over." 

"To amuse themselves the Sybarite cavalrymen trained their horses to dance to pipe music. Armed with pipes, an invading army from nearby Crotonia assailed the Sybarite cavalry with music. The attacking forces easily passed through the dancing horses and their helpless riders, and conquered the city."

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