August 31, 2011

Fight, Flight, or play dead?

From CBC:

B.C. bear sniffs man from head to toe

Man played dead while bear inspected him

Riley Teufel, 19, says he was walking along South Alder Street when he heard some rustling in the bushes.

He then saw the bear walking towards him.

“I could tell it wasn't going to go away, so I thought the best thing to do was play dead,” he said.

So he lay on the ground while the bear sniffed him from head to toe for several terrifying minutes.

Teufel says he'll always remember the smell of the animal.

“Garbage and poo and just everything nasty put together…. It was just not a good smell — just a wretched smell,” he said.

Fortunately for Teufel, the curious bear was scared off by a driver who honked his car horn.


August 28, 2011

Search by Image


Brilliant Stop Motion

Wonder if we could also get each person to speak a part of the line of a narrator of the story, and splice each of these persons 1/24th of a second of the word they are saying into the voice and just combine it as it is get this ur-narration to be composed of the collective story telling also of these people.

via Azzo.

August 24, 2011

Cafe Racer

Movie is very relaxed.. but there are some beauty bikes tucked away in the doldrum pace.

Cafe cowboy from benedict campbell on Vimeo.

Thanks to Jimmy for the video.

August 11, 2011

Birds and Bees

"Baby birds gaze up at the night sky for hours, watching the slow rotation of the constellatoins.  They find the point about which the stars appear to move, and record it's position with respect to several nearby constellations to maintain a constant heading... Honeybees perform a dance that tells their hivemeates the direction and distance of a food source with respect to the sun: the dancer uses an internal clock to compensate for the movement of the sun between the time she discoovered the source and the time she passes on the information.  If it's cloudy the other bees estimate the direction using the polzarization of light in the sky"

- Karl Von Frisch and James Gould

Proof of God, etc

"A group of employees at an Ottawa manufacturing plant say they won the $7 million Lotto 6/49 prize Wednesday, the same day their company announced massive layoffs."


August 10, 2011

Follow the Sun

My brothers who have confronted a thousand dangers and reached the borders of the West, do not hesitate to follow the sun and explore the uninhabited world.

- From Le Mepris, 1963, taken from the Divine Comedy by Dante.

Reminds me of:

Come, my friends,
'Tis not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.

- Ulysses by Tennyson. 

August 8, 2011