October 29, 2012

The Cell: HD!1

Thanks to Azzo for the link.


October 28, 2012

Smart Geometry


This simulation is merging 3 things together : tangible table interface, video mapping, and particle system mimicking pedestrian flow. It's purpose is to help with quick assesment of the quality of space for pedestrian movement. This tool allows to use direct manipulation of physical objects in informing real-time simulation, thus visualising the impact of changes immediately. It might simply help to assess natural tendencies in movement of people through space, and to finetune the layout of buildings to allow spontaneous flow. Currently a prototype, still under development.. similar techniques will be used during Smart Geometry 2011 conference in 'Interacting with Cities' cluster. more info on smartgeometry.org Software : openFrameworks, Windows XP Hardware : Kinect sensor, table, DLP projector, laptop



October 27, 2012

Programming Update

Working in Processing, with java at the moment.  

Explored/attempted Voronoi Tesselation = unsuccessful. Below is someone else's script:

I've put that aside and now I'm working to implement a first two-dimensional array with identities.   The first dimension will hold location of cell (loc=x+y*i*cellsize), second will hold identity number, or the number of points occurring within a cell. 

From there I will plot the array, in the vein of a heat map:

"A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors"

Fingers crossed...


October 15, 2012

Map Engine

An amazing collection of over 34,000 extremely high resolution maps (12,000x12,000px)... for free!!

From the site:

The historical map collection has over 34,000 maps and images online. The collection focuses on rare 18th and 19th century North American and South American maps and other cartographic materials. Historic maps of theWorld, Europe, Asia, and Africa are also represented.


October 13, 2012

Impact Event Viz

Described by the creator, Jim Blackhurst(link) as: 

"A visualisation of the spatial clustering of death by impact in the videogame, Just Cause 2. The video is made up of over 11.3 million player death events, specifically, death by impact with terrain or objects."

His work is quite amazing: 

"A heatmap of more than 22.3 million player 'Extraction' events from Just Cause 2" -

Came acorss this on: http://forum.processing.org/topic/heatmaps-point-clouds-and-big-data-in-processing

Map of Paths in Rome -- Update

Lately I've been working on plotting and cartography.  Above is a screenshot from the map of Rome I'm making for my thesis... it  contains a figure-ground of Rome, in the vein of Nolli's famous map (http://nolli.uoregon.edu/map/index.html), and an overlay of 4 individuals GPS data over 4 months.  In the coming weeks I hope to have some more information on the GPS tracks themselves, such as an indication of the velocity.

October 11, 2012

October 7, 2012

Ant Colony Castings

Pretty  Cool:

Thanks to my brother for the link.


*Update: Here are some more....

Reminds me of the Catacombs of Domitilla (see old post: http://blog.geoffchristou.com/2012/06/m1-8-catacombs-of-domitilla.html)
